I think there is somewhere deep inside me and my friends dna that makes us love mexican food. Maybe it was in the water at WAHS. Or maybe it was (and is) our undying love for "the guad" here in cville. But whatever it is, it's beyond a craving, it's a need. I need Mexican food and it makes up about 2 out of 7 meals we eat here at my home.
So making mexican food has become a passion.
But let's be honest. The stuff they sell in stores and market as "tortillas" are hardly such. So I decided to make my own:) And I probably can't do them justice...well maybe if I actually make them with pork lard (yum). But here's my recipe. I have modified it from a recipe from How to Cook Everything.
So go ahead make your own. Not only will they taste better, but you will save a pretty penny as well.
Whole Wheat Tortillas:
1 1/2 cup flour
3 tblspoon coconut oil (or butter)
1/2 cup warm water
2 tsp salt (or more)
Mix together. If you have a stand mixer. Mix well on a high speed w/ a dough hook for a good 5 min. If kneading by hand you might want to use this as your work out for the day and give it a good 10-15 min. Then leave a let rest in a semi-warm place for a couple hours. I like to make mine at lunch and let sit on the counter wrapped in foil until I am ready to make dinner.
Now the part that takes some work. You will want to pinch off small balls of dough. Maybe golf ball or ping pong ball size. And roll out as thin as you can. Heat up a nice big cast iron skillet and lightly (or heavily) butter. Brown on either side. They will puff up a bit and then deflate.
Eat at once. Make them into Enchiladas or just store them in the fridge. Maybe they will be good for a week. But chances are you'll eat half the batch when you're cookin' them up!